Ms Cohen
Thanks for today’s Post column.
I am from the red state of Arkansas, a Democrat, a friend of Hillary, and was physician for Occupy Little Rock encampment. We fly the US flag, as well as the Scottish Cross of St Andrews Flag, for my UK citizen, Green Card bearer for 40 years, Glasgow-born wife.
I confess secret guilty ambivalence for the high school pep rally waving of the Confederate battle flag and bellowing Dixie, with 50,000 at University football stadium, from days of my youth. My parents taught us what was for the day tolerance and moderation on integration, though it was more abhorrence of ’white trash ‘ such as Central High 1957 mobs and George Wallace, police dogs and firehouses, than historic awareness of wrongs. My grown children are spared, do not know the words to Dixie, and disdain the Battle Flag.
Dixie, as Lincoln knew was a stirring catchy tune, later appropriated by Lost Causers and the Enslaved American Holocaust. Lonely days here in the South.
Best wishes, and dreading Sarah Huckabee Sanders return,
Charles R Feild MD MPH MPH
PS Sarah’s mother is a horrible, rude, vindictive, person, unloved here as her idiot husband is still revered but not much missed even by those who support him.
AUTHOR: Feild, Charles R
SUBJECT: [Kate Cohen] Contact
[1_Name] => Feild, Charles R
[2_Email] =>
[3_Website] =>
[4_Comment] => Ms Cohen
Thanks for today’s Post column.
I am from the red state of Arkansas, a Democrat, a friend of Hillary, and was physician for Occupy Little Rock encampment. We fly the US flag, as well as the Scottish Cross of St Andrews Flag, for my UK citizen, Green Card bearer for 40 years, Glasgow-born wife.
I confess secret guilty ambivalence for the high school pep rally waving of the Confederate battle flag and bellowing Dixie, with 50,000 at University football stadium, from days of my youth. My parents taught us what was for the day tolerance and moderation on integration, though it was more abhorrence of ’white trash ‘ such as Central High 1957 mobs and George Wallace, police dogs and firehouses, than historic awareness of wrongs. My grown children are spared, do not know the words to Dixie, and disdain the Battle Flag.
Dixie, as Lincoln knew was a stirring catchy tune, later appropriated by Lost Causers and the Enslaved American Holocaust. Lonely days here in the South.
Best wishes, and dreading Sarah Huckabee Sanders return,
Charles R Feild MD MPH MPH
PS Sarah’s mother is a horrible, rude, vindictive, person, unloved here as her idiot husband is still revered but not much missed even by those who support him.
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] =>
[feedback_id] => 45fc3294138bfb9bba36a2931ecfaba7