I just finished your article in this morning’s Tampa Bay Times about your kids political views. I find it comical that we are supposed to appreciate that your kids have the same liberal bias that their parents have. Interestingly my children all grown with kids of their own now, think liberals are morons. As a matter of fact, when Obamacare was being debated in Congress my younger daughter home from college at the time came into my office and asked why all the Democrats sounded so stupid when they got up to speak. I told her they can’t help it. That is why they are Democrats and lemmings to the liberal left. But your kids are right about one thing, in spite of all the liberal media bologna about polls being for Biden he is going to get trounced. These are the same all knowing pundits who just knew that Trump would get trounced by Hillary and then sat around dumbfounded wondering what happened. The United States does not revolve around the liberal NE or west coast. The rest of us have brains and use them.
AUTHOR: Harald Stone
AUTHOR EMAIL: stonetampa@reagan.com
SUBJECT: [Kate Cohen] Contact
[1_Name] => Harald Stone
[2_Email] => stonetampa@reagan.com
[3_Website] =>
[4_Comment] => I just finished your article in this morning’s Tampa Bay Times about your kids political views. I find it comical that we are supposed to appreciate that your kids have the same liberal bias that their parents have. Interestingly my children all grown with kids of their own now, think liberals are morons. As a matter of fact, when Obamacare was being debated in Congress my younger daughter home from college at the time came into my office and asked why all the Democrats sounded so stupid when they got up to speak. I told her they can’t help it. That is why they are Democrats and lemmings to the liberal left. But your kids are right about one thing, in spite of all the liberal media bologna about polls being for Biden he is going to get trounced. These are the same all knowing pundits who just knew that Trump would get trounced by Hillary and then sat around dumbfounded wondering what happened. The United States does not revolve around the liberal NE or west coast. The rest of us have brains and use them.
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://katecohen.net/contact/
[feedback_id] => 89eb7de3ae1bd57d152ed48d934b4ef2