Why did you leave Virginia. My wife and I left Albany 6 years ago to live in Arlington, Va. and it was time to leave. Your column in the Washington Post about upstate and southern tier public schools reminded me of Geraldo Rivera in the early 1970s going into Willowbrook state school and coming out with a great expose…and a book. Why don’t you take your elite education and do some good in your home state, which you understand. Poor Upstate (I went to high school in Watertown, went to Union (which you have never heard of) and then Albany State for graduate school) has suffered from economic turndown, corrupt state senators, and a great brain drain to the south. It takes little journalistic talent to bash the locals and their provincial ways. Little talent. Go home. Jonathan W Lathey, PhD
AUTHOR: Jonathan W Lathey
AUTHOR EMAIL: latheyj@yahoo.com
SUBJECT: [Kate Cohen] Contact
[1_Name] => Jonathan W Lathey
[2_Email] => latheyj@yahoo.com
[3_Website] =>
[4_Comment] => Why did you leave Virginia. My wife and I left Albany 6 years ago to live in Arlington, Va. and it was time to leave. Your column in the Washington Post about upstate and southern tier public schools reminded me of Geraldo Rivera in the early 1970s going into Willowbrook state school and coming out with a great expose…and a book. Why don’t you take your elite education and do some good in your home state, which you understand. Poor Upstate (I went to high school in Watertown, went to Union (which you have never heard of) and then Albany State for graduate school) has suffered from economic turndown, corrupt state senators, and a great brain drain to the south. It takes little journalistic talent to bash the locals and their provincial ways. Little talent. Go home. Jonathan W Lathey, PhD
[email_marketing_consent] =>
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://katecohen.net/contact/
[feedback_id] => a8ff4fd88b3a79ebf39b0581954d28a6