Hi. It is with “good grief” (Charlie Brown) I am writing you. To be an “atheist” is the saddest posit I can think of. Don’t be angry. Hear me out and let’s talk it out. An agnostic at least says “I don’t know.” An atheist says I know for sure! How? Do you have empirical evidence? No. You have a feeling. Like the Beatles song, “I’ve got a feeling a feeling deep inside.” You being a Cohen (from a historically priestly family more than anyone should know? Your husband it would also appear to be of Jewish heritage? Are you “atheist Jews?” I have been to the Middle East more than a dozen times. Have you ever been? Yeah there is a lot wrong with Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etc. That is why Wisdom says “pure and untainted ‘religion’ is to visit widows and orphans.” No sects, etc. your bitterness betrays you. I think you have been hurt by something in your past (good guess huh? Who has not been?) what if I told you roughly 25% of all mankind will be saved from the ‘hell’ that is coming? Would you want your family to be in the majority? Let’s see. It will be the 75% who say “I did not believe any of this therefore I declare this is not hell and it is not hot!” Is that what you are going to tell your kids when they look at you and say, “wait, mom. You went to college! You didn’t look into this any closer when eternity was at stake?” You can study all the religions and philosophy you like and listen to any prof you respect. It will not help you in the end. There is only one answer: He said no one comes to the Father except by Me. Study this studiously. Look into it with all your heart. You know, the Great Shems- Thou shalt love the LORD with all your heart and with all of your soul and mind. Thou shalt love your neighbor as yourself…come on Kate. Don’t lead a thought you cannot corroborate. Theology is the highest science. Study it before you present yourself as an expert? All Best, R. Vestnys, D.D., M.C.S., M.C., S.S.C.W. La in
AUTHOR: Richard
AUTHOR EMAIL: orik@mac.com
SUBJECT: [Kate Cohen] Contact
[1_Name] => Richard
[2_Email] => orik@mac.com
[3_Website] =>
[4_Comment] => Hi. It is with “good grief” (Charlie Brown) I am writing you. To be an “atheist” is the saddest posit I can think of. Don’t be angry. Hear me out and let’s talk it out. An agnostic at least says “I don’t know.” An atheist says I know for sure! How? Do you have empirical evidence? No. You have a feeling. Like the Beatles song, “I’ve got a feeling a feeling deep inside.” You being a Cohen (from a historically priestly family more than anyone should know? Your husband it would also appear to be of Jewish heritage? Are you “atheist Jews?” I have been to the Middle East more than a dozen times. Have you ever been? Yeah there is a lot wrong with Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etc. That is why Wisdom says “pure and untainted ‘religion’ is to visit widows and orphans.” No sects, etc. your bitterness betrays you. I think you have been hurt by something in your past (good guess huh? Who has not been?) what if I told you roughly 25% of all mankind will be saved from the ‘hell’ that is coming? Would you want your family to be in the majority? Let’s see. It will be the 75% who say “I did not believe any of this therefore I declare this is not hell and it is not hot!” Is that what you are going to tell your kids when they look at you and say, “wait, mom. You went to college! You didn’t look into this any closer when eternity was at stake?” You can study all the religions and philosophy you like and listen to any prof you respect. It will not help you in the end. There is only one answer: He said no one comes to the Father except by Me. Study this studiously. Look into it with all your heart. You know, the Great Shems- Thou shalt love the LORD with all your heart and with all of your soul and mind. Thou shalt love your neighbor as yourself…come on Kate. Don’t lead a thought you cannot corroborate. Theology is the highest science. Study it before you present yourself as an expert? All Best, R. Vestnys, D.D., M.C.S., M.C., S.S.C.W. La in
[email_marketing_consent] =>
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://katecohen.net/contact/
[feedback_id] => a98a82a8ebe45dcdf7232d95bae8d7f2