I just read your opinion piece about the use of air conditioning. I live in area of the US where 78 degrees feels like 88. It is difficult to think, touch anyone , keep mildew and mold from growing, in a hot AND wet climate. Visiting some relatives in Montana I experienced hot hammer weather but no humidity. Please live where I live in July and August, then talk about air conditioning set to 78 degrees. .
AUTHOR: Fonda Gantt
AUTHOR EMAIL: fondann@gmail.com
SUBJECT: [Kate Cohen] Contact
[1_Name] => Fonda Gantt
[2_Email] => fondann@gmail.com
[3_Website] =>
[4_Comment] => I just read your opinion piece about the use of air conditioning. I live in area of the US where 78 degrees feels like 88. It is difficult to think, touch anyone , keep mildew and mold from growing, in a hot AND wet climate. Visiting some relatives in Montana I experienced hot hammer weather but no humidity. Please live where I live in July and August, then talk about air conditioning set to 78 degrees. .
[email_marketing_consent] =>
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://katecohen.net/contact/
[feedback_id] => ab8fd9d5f17e83300b67051dfd4f7003