God in our healthcare. It gets worse.
I am a psychiatrist. I put a young woman on lithium for her bipolar disorder. When she becomes manic she makes poor sexual choices. Lithium can cause birth defects. She is on medicaid. We agreed that an IUD would be protective if the lithium does not prevent a manic episode. Fidelis is a Catholic insurance company that manages a good chunk of medicaid for New Yorkers. They refused to pay the $700 for her IUD because they are Catholic. So us taxpayers are subsidizing a state run insurance company for the poor that is imposing their beliefs on our citizens. My patient is not Catholic. I had to choose a different mood stabilizer.
AUTHOR: Lisa Aaron MD
AUTHOR EMAIL: geocircle@gmail.com
SUBJECT: [Kate Cohen] Contact
[1_Name] => Lisa Aaron MD
[2_Email] => geocircle@gmail.com
[3_Website] =>
[4_Comment] => God in our healthcare. It gets worse.
I am a psychiatrist. I put a young woman on lithium for her bipolar disorder. When she becomes manic she makes poor sexual choices. Lithium can cause birth defects. She is on medicaid. We agreed that an IUD would be protective if the lithium does not prevent a manic episode. Fidelis is a Catholic insurance company that manages a good chunk of medicaid for New Yorkers. They refused to pay the $700 for her IUD because they are Catholic. So us taxpayers are subsidizing a state run insurance company for the poor that is imposing their beliefs on our citizens. My patient is not Catholic. I had to choose a different mood stabilizer.
[email_marketing_consent] =>
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://katecohen.net/contact/
[feedback_id] => d0eb7b02d8319376cd03d5cb95a3865d