I read you op-ed in the Washington Post this morning with great interest. I also grew up in a Southern state now enacting similar abortion legislation (Georgia), moved away to the New Jersey for college, then came to Nashville for medical school (and now residency too). My fiancé, though in a different field, had a similar path, moving first to Texas and then to Tennessee (she grew up here in Nashville).
You end your op-ed with an exhortation to vote. But seeing as you live in Albany, it reminded me of something an acquaintance from college said after the midterm elections last year. He was lamenting Beto O’Rourke’s loss and how we need to do better in 2020 to knock off John Cronyn in Texas and protect Doug Jones in Alabama. I ask him “we?!?” incredulously. Given that he lives in Manhattan, there’s no “we.”
There are plenty of places in these sorts of states that liberals and marginalized groups like women, people of color, LGBT people, and others can live comfortable lives, especially if they possess some sort of economic privilege. If liberals want to change the conversation, they should pick up their shoes rather than their pens so they can move and actually vote.
If you want to make a difference in government in Tennessee, or Alabama, or Georgia, or Texas, you can’t just write about it. You actually have to move here.
AUTHOR: Shayan Rakhit
AUTHOR EMAIL: shayan.rakhit@vanderbilt.edu
SUBJECT: [Kate Cohen] Contact
[1_Name] => Shayan Rakhit
[2_Email] => shayan.rakhit@vanderbilt.edu
[3_Website] =>
[4_Comment] => I read you op-ed in the Washington Post this morning with great interest. I also grew up in a Southern state now enacting similar abortion legislation (Georgia), moved away to the New Jersey for college, then came to Nashville for medical school (and now residency too). My fiancé, though in a different field, had a similar path, moving first to Texas and then to Tennessee (she grew up here in Nashville).
You end your op-ed with an exhortation to vote. But seeing as you live in Albany, it reminded me of something an acquaintance from college said after the midterm elections last year. He was lamenting Beto O’Rourke’s loss and how we need to do better in 2020 to knock off John Cronyn in Texas and protect Doug Jones in Alabama. I ask him “we?!?” incredulously. Given that he lives in Manhattan, there’s no “we.”
There are plenty of places in these sorts of states that liberals and marginalized groups like women, people of color, LGBT people, and others can live comfortable lives, especially if they possess some sort of economic privilege. If liberals want to change the conversation, they should pick up their shoes rather than their pens so they can move and actually vote.
If you want to make a difference in government in Tennessee, or Alabama, or Georgia, or Texas, you can’t just write about it. You actually have to move here.
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://katecohen.net/contact/
[feedback_id] => e818f7dc22aeed23fb1e46ee6926f515