Just want to thank you for the excellent piece on religion and morality in the Wash Post. It was exactly what needs to be said.
I was reminded of Obama’s ridiculous remark that “no religion condones the killing of innocents.” Well, of course that depends on your definition of “innocents.”
And a line Woody Allen wrote for Max Von Sydow in HANNAH AND HER SISTERS, something to the effect of: “If Jesus came back and saw all the terrible things done in his name, he would never stop throwing up.” To which my reaction is, How can you presume to imagine what Jesus – or God for that matter – would think about anything? As you said in the article, if you give religion validation for good, then you have to give it validation for everything, including motivating violence (yes, against innocents).
I myself – full disclosure – am a *somewhat* observant Jew (read: I pick and choose from the menu of commandments) who affiliates with an Orthodox synagogue. I’m gay and married (civil marriage) to my non-Jewish husband. I take what I want from my religion and treat any benefits as a strictly personal issue. My husband and I are not raising children, which is a good thing: It’s one thing for me to embrace aspects of my religion on a personal basis, but I would have no idea how to involve children in that world without running the risk of impairing their natural humanitarian instincts.
As for Mayor Pete, if his use of the religion card (and they ALL do it, as nauseating as it is!) gets him the extra votes he needs to dethrone Orange Julius Caesar, then so be it. But I share your concerns and appreciate your editorial!!
Best regards,
AUTHOR: Allan Altman
AUTHOR EMAIL: allanaltman@gmail.com
SUBJECT: [Kate Cohen] Contact
[1_Name] => Allan Altman
[2_Email] => allanaltman@gmail.com
[3_Website] =>
[4_Comment] => Just want to thank you for the excellent piece on religion and morality in the Wash Post. It was exactly what needs to be said.
I was reminded of Obama’s ridiculous remark that “no religion condones the killing of innocents.” Well, of course that depends on your definition of “innocents.”
And a line Woody Allen wrote for Max Von Sydow in HANNAH AND HER SISTERS, something to the effect of: “If Jesus came back and saw all the terrible things done in his name, he would never stop throwing up.” To which my reaction is, How can you presume to imagine what Jesus – or God for that matter – would think about anything? As you said in the article, if you give religion validation for good, then you have to give it validation for everything, including motivating violence (yes, against innocents).
I myself – full disclosure – am a *somewhat* observant Jew (read: I pick and choose from the menu of commandments) who affiliates with an Orthodox synagogue. I’m gay and married (civil marriage) to my non-Jewish husband. I take what I want from my religion and treat any benefits as a strictly personal issue. My husband and I are not raising children, which is a good thing: It’s one thing for me to embrace aspects of my religion on a personal basis, but I would have no idea how to involve children in that world without running the risk of impairing their natural humanitarian instincts.
As for Mayor Pete, if his use of the religion card (and they ALL do it, as nauseating as it is!) gets him the extra votes he needs to dethrone Orange Julius Caesar, then so be it. But I share your concerns and appreciate your editorial!!
Best regards,
[entry_title] => Contact
[entry_permalink] => https://katecohen.net/contact/
[feedback_id] => fc1f136023a505e7b7743a005a79e23b