Why a couple of teenagers are convinced this will not end well. Read the whole essay here in The Washington Post. Read the rest of the piece here at The Washington Post.
Tag: Trump
Making Us Behave
On laws that treat us like kids . . . for our own good. By me, in The Washington Post. Click here to read the whole thing. Note: My father pointed out to me that I mention two house rules in the piece (as you’ll see), but named only one, apparently violating one of his… Continue reading Making Us Behave
The Oscar Speeches I’m Hoping For
A meditation on awards shows, by me, for the Washington Post. Read the whole article here. Read the rest here.
Dear Mr. Miranda: A Thank-You Note
Dear Mr. Miranda, The morning after the election I made my husband get up with the kids. I couldn’t face them. They were not innocents: they knew about North Carolina’s bathroom law and the dangers of driving while black. But they are children of the Obama era: they’ve grown up believing that the forces of… Continue reading Dear Mr. Miranda: A Thank-You Note