The Bet

Why a couple of teenagers are convinced this will not end well. Read the whole essay here in The Washington Post.

Read the rest of the piece here at The Washington Post.

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  1. I will buy (pay for) dinner for your whole (nuclear) family if (1) Trump losses in the electoral college and (2) voluntarily leaves the White House (i.e., the presidency) on (or before) 20 January 2021.

      1. With a blast of steroidal sore-loserism, the big bad wolf/wicked witch of Mar-a-Lago huffed and puffed, but did not blow down the (increasingly fragile and endangered) house of American democracy. Since the Mussolini wannabe and would be caudillo has departed the Casa Blanca (query whether “voluntarily”) and Joe Biden has been inaugurated, I am delighted to make good on the offer I made in response to your July 02 2020 blog (“The Bet”), and treat your family to dinner. See the email I sent to KateCohen92

  2. Dear Kate, Please do not worry about the upcoming elections. We might soon see calamities worse than Covid-19. You did notice what the Supremes did to those laws that were meant to prevent legal, safe abortions. All of the political noise is merely theater. Please bear this in mind: “For He will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth.” Romans 9:28

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